A safe and healthy natural Blue Coconut Candy - here's how you make it.....
Coconut Candy refers to the various candies that are made with coconut or coconut flavourings. The fragrant and delicious Coconut Candy in green and pink square cubes are sure to delight. Coconut Candy speaks to us, the 4-besties from secondary school year besides Mutton Curry, after school “makan”, or lunch at Reena’s house.
These delectable cubes were very popular in school. They were a mainstay of many year end class parties, birthdays, and festivals. Coconut Candy is vegetarian, so it is a suitable treat for everyone. It is also very easy to prepare and requires only five ingredients – coconut, condensed milk (optional), sugar, flavouring (if required), and food colouring (we will be using natural food colouring). Furthermore freshly grated coconut is inexpensive and easily available.
We left school many, many years ago and over time lost touch, some still met but we managed to reconnected via FB and decided to meet for a reunion last month in Sydney and Melbourne. Reena arrived from Kuala Lumpur and Leng travelled many hours from (Holland) to celebrate many years of friendship and reunion. And guess, what did we miss? – "Coconut Candy" by Aunty Jennifer. No Jennifer is away however, we have Reena – the daughter whom we think could do just as good as mum! So, we decided to make some in Melbourne at Penny's home....

For those hot days in Straya - this bottle of Iced Blue Tea is yum!

Blue Coconut Candy - so pretty!
Here you go Aunty Jennifer’s Coconut Candy (minimum ingredient maximum result) :
• 3 cups shredded coconut (or if you can get fresh dessicated coconut; that wud be awesome)
• 1 ½ cups water or coconut juice (if using dried dessicated coconut)
• ½ can evaporated milk (about 200ml)
• ⅔ cup sugar
1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan (we used a wok!)
2. Cook on low-medium heat until mixture is sticky and comes off the sides of the pan.
3. Transfer into baking tray – split into 2 trays – 1st tray natural colour - spread it evenly.
4. Add Blue Butterfly Pea Powder to the 2nd tray and mix evenly and than
transfer onto the the 1st tray – so you will get 2-tones coconut candy
5. Allow to cool, then cut into diamond shape or square as desired.
6. Can be made ahead for all your parties and gatherings.
Our photo did not turn out very well because one of us, we think its either Penny or Leng could not resist any longer and wanted to try it and it was quickly cut and devoured…. Yet its yummy, just like how Aunty Jennifer made them. We had a tub and it was a a hit in Prahan Market last month – Lucky folks & friends got to try Jennifer’s Coconut Candy, a family heirloom.

Blue Lemongrass Tea
Best to enjoy this Coconut Candy with a cup of Blue Tea - have it with Blue Lemongrass Ginger Tea or Blue Butterfly Pea tea (just add honey) - enjoy the soothing blue colour - very relaxing.
This would be our last Recipe Blog for this Christmas and we will be back next year with a lot more Rainbow Colours - all natural plant base powder.
Watch out also for a possible video on "How to make Malaysian Coconut Candy?" by Sydney's Celebrity Chef, Jackie M Tang. Jackie's latest article on "Blue Flower Power on Huffington Post and a Case for Cultural Appropriation" in Huffington Post.

Blue Coconut Cupcakes
You can do a lot with natural blue colour with shredded coconut - here's another recipe on Blue Coconut for Christmas - https://www.mybluetea.com.au/single-post/2017/11/29/BLUE-SNOW-MOUNTAIN

Merry Christmas Folks! Have a good one!
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