How to make Butterfly Pea Bounty Bars?
Bounty Bars, a simple protein ball version and are super easy to make – all you need is 5 ingredients, 5 minutes and a food processor! They are vegan, full of protein and other super nutritious ingredients. The best thing about these energy bites is that they can be stored in the fridge for up to 10 days with no problems!
Trust us! It won't last that long!
* 3 cups shredded coconut * 1 cup almond meal * 3/4 cup maple syrup * 1/4 cup coconut milk (canned)
* 1 tsp of My.Blue.Tea Butterfly Pea Powder or to desired colour.
** Put everything in a food processor and process until it comes together in a sticky ,dough.
** Press into lined pan and pop into freezer while you prepare the chocolate coating.

Butterfly Pea - Blue Bounty - all natural
Ingredients & Method
* 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
* 1/4 cup maple syrup
* 1/3 cup cacao powder
Mix all ingredients together ready to coat.
Take the bars out of the freezer and cut into smaller bars or squares. Coat with chocolate and re-coat if needed.

Blue Herbal Tea - our best seller
Recipe Notes
You may also try this recipe with Pandan Powder - in fact Pandan Powder goes extremely well with coconut and peanut butter.

Yum! these Blue Bounty Bars
Don't forget to check out our Superfood, Super Powder Pack offer and newest addition, yellow/orange colour from another lovely plant Safflower. Majestic Yellow!
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