What can you do with Satay? The possibilities are endless!
My Blue Tea's Satay Marinade base is so good you can do so much with them. Please visit our Instagram Page - @my.blue.tea to see reels and photos from people who are passionate about food and cooking creating amazing dishes with it. And hey, if you would like to GET FEATURED, tag us, write in to us for some product samples! We love hearing from and getting to know new foodies who share our passion!
*psssst* - On trial now!! Our good friend, Yowie's Kitchen is experimenting with a new creation called "Satay Jerky". We will see how it goes, and it may be available for sale in an event we're planning at Parklea Market's 1st floor on 29th October 2022, Saturday in conjunction with "Coconut Shake" tastings (TBC), so watch this space and check in with us!
Chick-Peas Vego Puff Pockets
*500g Chicken breast, diced
*2 - 3 cloves Garlic, finely chopped
*2T Oil
*1T Light soya sauce
Pinch of white pepper
Fillings (made the day before):
*5T Oil, for sauteing
*1 medium Onion, diced
*1 large Carrot, diced
*2 medium Potatoes, diced
*2 - 4 Red chillies, deseed, finely chopped
*1 tin Chickpeas
*2t Cumin
*1t Garam masala
*2T Hot curry powder or Borneo Native Chilli @my.blue.tea
*1t Salt
*1/2t White pepper
*1 packet Nasi Lemak Premix by @mybluetea
Did you know we have launched our new YouTube Channel? Make sure you subscribe for our Satay Burger video. It's so easy to make and fun to watch! And all videos are also available on our Website TV Channel -https://www.mybluetea.com.au/tv.
Kia Ora from New Zealand! All the good food and creations are by Lynn and some have been published on our Blog. Lovely to have Lynn on board! From left: Pandan Pao, Flower art, Roselle dipping sauce, Kaffir Lime Chick pea, Satay Chick Pea Vego Puffs and Roselle Pinwheel.
Method :
(1) Heat oil on medium to high heat. Saute onion, carrot and potatoes for approx. 10 minutes then add in the chillies and marinated chicken, saute for approx. 5 minutes.
(2) Add the spices, salt and pepper and saute for another 5 minutes to cook and let the flavours come out.
(3) Lastly, add in the chickpeas, rinse the tin out with one full tin of warm water and add that to the mixture in the frying pan. Add in the Roselle powder and the Nasi Lemak Premix. Stir well to mix.
(4) Turn heat down to simmer until liquid is reduced to half then remove to cool before using or refrigerate overnight.
To Assemble:
*1 packet Flaky puff pastry, halves straight down the centre
* Fillings made and cooled overnight
(1) Preheat oven to 200°C fan bake/force. Line baking trays with baking paper.
(2) Place mixture onto one half of each prepared pastry sheet then fold to form pocket shape and seal the edges by pushing down with the prongs of a fork.
(3) Place onto baking trays and bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Enjoy!
Food Service Australia - 23-25 October, 2022 at ICC, Sydney
You're invited to Food Service Australia! Visit us, we're located at Stall No. Z28!
We're launching our Coconut Shake! Yummy!