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Feed One Feed All (FOFA)

Writer's picture: My Blue TeaMy Blue Tea

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

Make a Difference, One Meal at a Time

$1 = One Meal

Paying it forward is part of our genetic make up at MyBlueTea. We regularly help to raise funds or donate our produce to various charities. It's about giving back to our communities and getting involved with charities directly by cooking or serving with friends.

Every single one of our projects takes us closer to the people in need in our communities. In Care Pack 2019, during the lockdown, we supplied free food for all (especially for university students 2020-2021). Go Fund Me for Young Jonah made us really admire and respect this little chef who is giving all he's got to make his culinary dreams come true. We've also been involved with various local charities by donating food or farm produce, to cooking for the refugees in the local Mid North Coast areas. And most importantly, we have been giving back to our indigenous single moms in Borneo with our partners in Sarawak who farm all our produce for you to enjoy in Australia.

FOFA i.e. Feed One Feed All is an organisation that is most attached to us i.e. feeding and helping the homeless, special kids, those in need, etc. Our founder, Lee, has been contributing in her own small ways throughout her journey in life. #givingback.

Feed One Feed All | support My Blue Tea FOFA's initiative to feed the hungry
FOFA volunteers upcycle donated useable food to create home cooked meals for the community in need.

We may not have the level of influence Prince William has with his vision to end homelessness in 5 years with Homewards. While the Prince has help from large corporations, professionals, land banks, etc., My Blue Tea has help from our communities, and as we know, every bit counts! We are here for our communities and for each other, so let's start right where we are with FOFA Australia!

What is FOFA?

FOFA - Feed One Feed All is a non profit organisation located in Scoresby, Victoria.

FOFA volunteers upcycle donated useable food to create home cooked meals for the community in need.

We need your help

Research from Foodbank Australia shows 2 million Australians have experienced severe food insecurity. That means they have run out of food or gone a day without eating. With the rise of living costs, we are experiencing increasing demand of food relief.

We are thankful for the volunteers, partners, donors and sponsors who have provided their immense support to FOFA and enabled us to provide thousands of meals to those struggling to cope with unimaginable circumstances. We need your help so we can continue to meet the increasing demand and give hope to those having it tough.

With the End of Financial Year fast approaching, we would like to ask for your support in helping those in need of food.

Who is behind FOFA?

Woohoo... it's Chef Lillie Giang! She is the founder of FOFA and this month, Chef Lillie is Knox Community Victoria Day Award Winner 2023. Read all about Chef Lillie on our website blog.

Lillie Giang and My Blue Tea feeds the homeless | My Blue Tea
Chef Lillie Giang voted Victorian of the Year 2023. Congratulations, Chef!

We are very glad to be part of FOFA with Chef Lillie. Congratulations from My Blue Tea to this incredible founder of Feed One Feed All who is being recognised for her extraordinary contribution to the Knox Community in Victoria.

How did it start?

From cooking meals and providing emotional support to residents of Kalorama in Mount Dandenong after a severe storm event in June 2021, Lillie saw the need to continue to help those less fortunate in the community. Through collaboration with numerous organisations and under Lillie’s leadership, FOFA now serves 500-600 meals per week using rescued food.

How & where can you help?

There are 3 ways which you can help.

1) When you shop for your favourite Butterfly Pea tea, Pandan, our Super Spices, or Coconut Shake. On check-out, you can donate a minimum of $1.00 ($2.00 for tax exemption if required) to infinity.

2) You can also be a member of FOFA and contribute a monthly minimum of $1.00 to any amount that you are comfortable with. Why $1.00? Because $1.00 = 1 meal. That's the power of your $1.00 contribution!

Feed One Feed All and My Blue Tea donation drive to feed the hungry| My Blue Tea
$1.00 = 1 Meal

3) You can also support FOFA by registering your interest to become one of our superstar volunteers:

Make a difference through this initiative and help combat hunger in your community with Feed One Feed All and My Blue Tea |  My Blue Tea
Make a difference through this initiative and help combat hunger in your community.

We appreciate every donation, no matter what the amount may be.

Every bit counts and your contribution can make a significant impact in our ability to fight food insecurity in our community.

Also, please consider sharing this post or tag someone who you think may be interested in becoming a partner, donor, or volunteer.

Donations can be in the form of money, produce, or in kind. Every bit helps!

Some wonderful volunteers and experiences with FOFA.

Giving back | FOFA | My Blue Tea

Where can you find FOFA ?

Check out the locations and where you can get your warm meal this winter.

Follow FOFA on their FB and Instagram and all the yummy wholesome hot meals cooked with love.

Start your journey with us with FOFA and MyBlueTea as your team companion!

"Which is more important?" asked the Big Panda, "the journey or the destination?"
"The Company" said the tiny dragon.

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