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How to make Pandan Green Smoothie?

It's Spring! Woohoo!

Spring is in the air, and that means fresh fruits and veggies are hitting the grocery stores and farmers markets. Time to blend up a batch or two of fresh, seasonal smoothies!Bring out the Smoothies and new flavours packed with all the amazing health benefits.

Plus, just four weeks of increased green smoothie consumption can lower risk of cardiovascular disease, says research out of Portland State University, so plug in your blender and get sippin' for a slimmer and stronger you come summer.

"Today I used the green Pandan leaf powder in my smoothie and it is amazing. This wonderful healing powder assists in relieving headache, arthritis, ear & chest pain, fever, gout & much more" - Pandan Green Smoothie recipe by Caroline.

Here's a recipe that you might like to try :-


* 1 tsp MY BLUE TEA - Pandan Powder * 1 cup frozen kale * 1 cup spinach * 1 cup Kiwi * 1 cup pineapple * 2 bananas * Dash of almond milk * Some ground flax seed

* Extra fruits of your choice to garnish a beautiful bowl of smoothie


Make sure kiwifruit are ripe as they add sweetness.

Smoothie | Pandan | Blue Tea

Pandan Green Smoothie


* Put everything into a blender and whizz away until smooth & frothy

* Pour the smoothie into a bowl or coconut smoothie bowl

* Decorate with your favourite fruits

* For Pandan some shredded coconut is yum - they're match made in heaven!

Butterfly Pea | Blue Tea | Brew Blue Tea

Brew Blue Tea today!

Butterfly Pea Tea - so blue, so yum! so healthy!

Pandan | Smoothie | MY BLUE TEA

Pandan Green Smoothie - using Soluble Pandan Powder or Freezed Dried Powder for the fibre - whichever, they're great in smoothies.

Pandan | Pandan Extract | Blue Tea | Butterfly Pea Tea

or you have an option to use Pandan Liquid Extract - 1 teaspoon equals to 7 Pandan Leaves

Notes :-

This recipe is created by Caroline also known as @smoothiebowladdit on Instagram. Caroling is a marrie and mum to 2 teenagers, a boy at 14 and daughter at 17. She works full time in a Local Government in enforcement. And in her spare time, she enjoys reading, exploring new cafes, travelling, walking and learning about health and well being. She loves making smoothie bowls and her dram is to some day move to Hawaii to open up a juice/smoothie bar.

We wish Caroline all the best and a great dream to work on.

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