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Refresh with Homemade Gelato ... made from Tea!

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Are you ready for some Blue Apple Magic this spring?

Then you'd want to get your hands on some Blue Apple Magic Gelato or Gelato Bunga Telang!

We love springing surprises on people with our Blue Tea. It is not just "tea" as we know it. Our Blue Tea is so versatile we probably would never tire of gushing or writing about it. It lends a unique touch to so many recipes and we are getting quite a kick out of the creative recipes our chefs have been sharing with us. Thank you!

With a bit of creativity, you never know what you could concoct in your very own kitchen.

Imelia (or Mel as she is more affectionately known) is one chef who has been sharing her wonderful recipes with us and we are enjoying them so much. When we shared our Blue Tea blends with her, she fell in love immediately with its fragrance and the special magic it gives to the food it touches. With its hypnotic blue colour and an enticing aroma, you pretty much have a recipe for success already when you add that hint of blue to whatever it is you are creating!

Mel is delighted to share with us her Blue Apple Magic Gelato today. And right on time too! With spring on its way, we are getting ready to put aside our fluffy warm woolly clothes and get ready for some light, refreshing spring fun!

Fun Tip from Mel: Move over Christian Grey! 50 Shades of Blue is what's hot now! Bring out the artist in you and play around with Butterfly Pea Powder - add amounts of it while cooking the custard and you can bring out different shades of blue. So you can actually create a unique dish each time depending on how you play with the amount of blue you add.

We adore Imelia not just because of her yummilicious recipes, but because of how she is. She has shared with us her recipe in both English and Bahasa Indonesia so many more can benefit from the recipe:

“Masih berkolaborasi dengan Kali ini aku mencoba berkreasi dengan Blue Apple Magic Tea. Salah satu produk bunga telang kering dengan aroma buah. Pertama kali coba minum produk ini, aku langsung jatuh cinta. Ketika diminum ada aroma buah menyenangkan, seperti makan permen. Aku coba buat gelato walaupun tidak tajam tapi bau menyenangkan itu masih ada.

Gelato | Blue Tea | Ice Cream
A Must-Have Spring Treat - refreshing Blue Apple Magic Gelato


• 450 ml susu murni / 450 ml Milk

• 2 btr kuning telur / 2 egg yolks

• 160 gr cangkir gula pasir / 160 grams sugar

• 225 ml whipped cream / 225 ml whipped cream

• 3/4 sendok teh garam / ¾ salt (or to taste)

*** you could try it with Blue Goddess, Blue Myrtle and Pandan Powder with Pandan Liquid for a beautiful gelato all ready for this Spring & Summer

Method :

  1. Boil milk with Blue Apple Magic Tea until small bubbles appear. Turn off fire. Do not let it boil. Allow 5 minutes for the colour of the flowers to steep out.

  2. Mix sugar and egg yolks directly and mix thoroughly. Add the milk that has started to turn blue (from the previous step). Strain and stir until well blended.

  3. Cook the milk again until it starts to condense for about 5-8 minutes over medium heat. Remove and refrigerate it.

  4. Beat whipped cream until frothy and add the cold milk from Step 3 until well blended.

  5. Put the mixture into a container and store in freezer. After 45 minutes, remove and stir.

  6. This step is repeated 2 times. Then store it and it is ready for consumption. Enjoy!

Gelato | Ice Cream | Blue Tea
Pretty in Pink with Roselle Gelato / Hibiscus Gelato

Cara membuat:

• Masak susu bersama Blue Apple Magic Tea sampai keluar gelembung kecil2 matikan. Tidak perlu sampai mendidih. Biarkan 5 menit agar warna bunga telangnya keluar.

• Campur gula dan kuning telur langsung aduk2. Masukkan susu yang sudah mulai berwarna biru, saring, aduk2 sampai tercampur rata.

• Masak lagi susu sampai mulai kental sekitar 5-8 menit dengan api sedang. Angkat dan dinginkan.

• Kocok whipped cream sampai kaku dan masukkan susu yg sudah dingin aduk sampai tercampur rata.

• Pindahkan ke kontainer, simpan di freezer. Setelah 45 menit keluarkan dan aduk2. Langkah ini diulangi 2 kali dan selanjutnya simpan dan siap dikonsumsi.


• Apabila warna ingin lebih biru bisa tambahkan bubuk bunga telang ketika memasak custard.

If the gelato wasn't enough for you, check out some of the other drool-worthy dishes Mel has created!

Scroll through all the beautiful food made by Imelia :-

(1) Pandan Palmier

(2) Ikan Tongkol Woku (trust us, there's no English translation that can do justice to describe such beautiful yummy food)

(3) Roselle Ice with Pomegranate / Es Delima

(4) Fruit Punch with Sarawak Native Bird's Eye Chilli

(5) Dragon Fruit Smoothie

(6) Torch Ginger with Bitter Beans

(7) Pandan Bika Ambon

Feeling inspired? Or hungry? Stay tuned and follow us and @mel.s_foods on Instagram for a lot more food inspiration.

📸 👨‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳: Photo & recipe by our brand ambassador Imelia. Visit & follow her Instagram @mel.s_foods for exotic, interesting recipes and food inspiration. 💕🌱🥰🥳

About Imelia :-

Mel is a cheerful housewife whose daily activities generally revolve around her family. Living with her husband makes household chores simple and quick, and it gives her ample free time to enjoy her leisure activities.

Follow Imelia on her Instagram -

and subscribe to her YouTube -

Unlike other chefs, Mel was not born into a family with a culinary passion. Interestingly, her father is an artist so Mel grew up with her father´s love for painting (which perhaps has unconsciously seeped out in her beautiful recipes). Her mother is a loving housewife who cooked for the family and it was mostly run of the mill family friendly dishes she grew up with. Her mother was not particularly interested in cooking or experimenting with new recipes or flavours.

Mel remembers spending more time cooking with an aunt of hers, but she is not exactly sure where her own love for cooking came from. Perhaps Mel was simply born with her own unique passionate culinary curiosity.

Mel´s artistry is seen not only in her cooking but also in her other hobby - photography. Being behind the lens allows Mel to escape into another dimension and see the world with a different set of eyes. It is how she expresses herself in imagery as seen through the lens of her camera.

COVID-19 forced travel to come to an abrupt halt, and it meant that Mel could not enjoy doing scenic photography. As a true-blue (culinary) artist, Mel does not simply sulk next to the stove. Great cooks are always able to find a solution when a cooking mishap happens. She adapts, finds an alternative and gets into action! So she started taking photos of the dishes she made. And trust us, her dishes are gorgeous and are extremely photogenic.

When she first started photographing food, there were little hiccups here and there, and it was a bit disheartening. Still, she took part in a photography contest and she was pleasantly surprised when she won. This boosted her enthusiasm and she continued to actively develop this new hobby of hers.

She learns from other people's posts on Instagram and has since built up quite a lot about photography, cooking and so many other things in the culinary world which she had not known about before.

Mel is now dedicating her time to really growing her talents and developing her hobbies. She wants to continue sharing ideas and learn from people around the world about cuisine and photography.

My Blue Tea loves what Mel has been sharing in the culinary community. Her dishes definitely look good enough to be framed and we can't wait to taste more of her beautiful dishes!


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