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Exploring the Unique Flavours of Sambal Squid with Rare Borneo Torch Ginger

Updated: Jul 10, 2024

Cumi Asin Sambal Kecombrang - @mel.s_food

Did you know that squids and crabs are only good in the month that have an "R"? Well aat least to the locals in the Mid North Coast area......... Can you name them? And what does the crabs do during those months without "R"!!??

Upon moving to the bush, we discovered an interesting pattern. Initially, the squaid or crabs are usually smally, but as the season progresses and they feed more, their size grows. t he peak season fruns from September to March, with the largest ones typically found in October to January, although you may still encounter a sizeable speciament at any point. Perfect time to keep warm with Sambal or Asian Spices for curry maybe stir fri

We were also amazed to discover an Indonesian school here on the Mid North Coast, showcasing the best of multiculturalism in regional areas. Thi s recipe is courtesy of Imelia and will be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.

So sedan Bunga Kecombrang Sambal with squid | My Blue Tea
Sambal Squid with Rare Borneo Torch Ginger

Sambal Squid Torch Ginger

Bahan / Ingredients :

• 1Kg Cumi asin, rendam dan cuci / Squid - coak & wash

• 300g Pete / Stinky Beas

• 1-2 sdt Kecombrang Torch Ginger (dried slices) 1-2 tspn

• 1/2 sdt bubuk daun jeruk Kaffir Lime leave powder 1/2 tspn

• 1 bh sereh /

• 2 lbr daun salam / 2 bay leaves

• Lengkuas / Galangal

• Jahe / Ginger

• Sckpnya garam / salt to taste

• Sckpnya gula Jawa / Palm sugar

• Sckpnya gula pasir / Sugar to taste

• Sckpnya penyedap / Chicken stock if required

Tips - Optional - use our Sambal Tumis powder.

Etlingera elatior Bunga Kantan | My Blue Tea
Rare Borneo Pink Torch Ginger or Bunga Kantan


• 8 siung bawang merah

• 4 siung bawang putih

• 4 bh cabe kering

• 1 bh tomat

• 1 sdt terasi

Ingredients : (to chop)

*8 pcs red onions/shallots

*4 pcs garlic

*4 red chillies

*1 large tomato

*1 tspn Belacan or shrimp paste

Alternatively :-

Nasi Goreng is so nice with Torch Ginger and our Sambal Pandan | My Blue Tea
Sambal Nasi Kecombrang - one of the yummies Nasi Goreng from Indonesia by Imelia

Cara membuat Sambal Squid:

1. Cumi rendam air panas, lalu cuci.

2. Rendam kecombrang semalaman, lalu bilas. Air Kecombrang (Borneo Torch Ginger boleh dibikin Teh Bunga Kecombrang.

3. Tumis bumbu halus, kecombrang dan bahan2 lain, kecuali bumbu2 dan cumi. Masak sampai harum .

4. Masukkan cumi dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya beri air sedikit dan masak sampai mendidih.

5. Icip dan sesuaikan rasa.

6. Masak lagi sebentar, matikan api siap dihidangkan dengan Nasi Lemak premix segera

dari My Blue Tea.

Torch Ginger cookies | My Blue Tea
Torch Ginger Cake by Lyn in New Zealand

Sambal Squid Torch Ginger :


  1. Soak the squid in hot water or overnight.

2. Soak dried Torch Ginger for 3 hours or overnight and rinse.

Note: the Torch ginger water is used as tea or in cocktails.

3. Fry the chop stuffs except for the soaked Torch Ginger and squid. Than cook till fragrant.

4. Add the squid & torch ginger with other spices and cook till it is boil.

5. Add flavour to your requirement.

6. Let it cook for a bit. Remove from fire and serve with fragrant coconut rice ( Nasi lemak premix).


Some interesting and yummy food by Imelia from top left you will be thrilled to get these recipes :- (1) Durian Pancake (2) Kaffir Lime Leaf Dumplings (3) Purple Sweet Potato latte (4) Roselle Donuts (5) Blue Apple Magic Gelato (Mel's favourite Blue Tea) (6) Bakmi Rica Rica with Meat Curry base and also meat curry base in Scotch eggs. Amazing.

About Imelia :-

Mel is a cheerful housewife whose daily activities generally revolve around her family. Living with her husband makes household chores simple and quick, and it gives her ample free time to enjoy her leisure activities.

Follow Imelia on her Instagram - 

and subscribe to her YouTube - 

Unlike other chefs, Mel was not born into a family with a culinary passion. Interestingly, her father is an artist so Mel grew up with her father´s love for painting (which perhaps has unconsciously seeped out in her beautiful recipes). Her mother is a loving housewife who cooked for the family and it was mostly run of the mill family friendly dishes she grew up with. Her mother was not particularly interested in cooking or experimenting with new recipes or flavours. Mel remembers spending more time cooking with an aunt of hers, but she is not exactly sure where her own love for cooking came from. Perhaps Mel was simply born with her own unique passionate culinary curiosity.

Did you know that we have Accessories listed on our website for Pudding, Tea, Coconut Shake and Mooncakes ? Check them out.


Source :-


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