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Curry Hong Kong Style

My Blue Tea's Meat Curry Base Powder is back in stock by popular demand!

Everyone loves our Meat Curry Base Powder! It's been so popular at events and festivals and many have been coming back for more! Thank you for everyone's support!

We have shared a traditional Malaysian and Indonesian style chicken curry before, Today we have one by our good friend in the UK, Wing with her Hong Kong Style Curry... and it's in both English & Mandarin!

HK Style Curry

食譜 Recipe


  • 炸魚蛋 Fried fish balls 20粒 20 pieces

  • 魷魚鬚 Squid tentacles 200g

  • 金錢肚 Beef honeycomb tripe 200g

  • 白蘿蔔 Mooli 500g

  • 即食豬皮(浸水備用) Pork crunch 50g (soak in water in advance)

  • 薑片 Ginger slice 3

  • 蒜 Garlic cloves 4

  • 八角 Star anise 2

Ingredients for 醬料 Sauce:

  • 咖哩粉 Meat Curry Base/Powder 3tbp @bluetea

  • 海鮮醬 Hoisin sauce 2tbp

  • 柱侯醬 ChuHou (braising) sauce 1/2tbp

  • 蠔油 Oyster sauce 1/2tbp

  • 黃薑粉 Turmeric powder 1tsp

  • 糖 Sugar 1tsp


1) 白蘿蔔去皮切件備用。

Peel and cut the mooli into chunks. Set aside.

2) 魚蛋、魷魚、金錢肚洗淨飛水備用。金錢肚切條備用。

Wash and blanch the fish balls, squid tentacles and beef honeycomb tripe. Cut the beef honeycomb tripe in strips. Set aside.

3) 爆香薑蒜,八角,金錢肚加入炒香,落約400ml水,加蓋,小火煮大概30分鐘。

Heat up the pan with oil, stir fry the beef honeycomb tripe with ginger, garlic and star aniseed, then add in 400ml water, bring to boil, cook 30ml with the lid using low heat.


Add in all the sauces and mooli, continue to cook for 30mins using low heat.


Lastly, add in fish balls, squid tentacles and pork crunch, cook for further 5 mins.

Curry | Spices | Blue Tea
Curry the Hong Kong style by Wing

Get the large pack of Meat Curry Base (limited time only) - 500 grams

More recipes from Wing

We're happy to look forward to future Pandan recipes from Wing. Coming soon will be a springy and chewy dessert called the Sticky Pandan Coconut Roll. Wing is definitely in love with Pandan and Coconut and rolling with them. She also loves our Spice blends and Matcha Latte. The first recipe we published by Wing is Pandan Coconut Swirl and Pandan Swirl Thread Buns. Try it!! They're so so good!

Quench your thirst with our latest drink sensation "PANDAN KIWI COOLER"! For more delicious Teas & Shakes, get your recipes either from our YouTube Channel or website/TV Channel.

Pandan | Chicken Curry | Kiwi fruits
Pandan Kiwi Cooler

Here are the links to our beautiful yummilicious recipes and ideas:-


About Wing

Photos and recipes are contributed by our brand ambassador, Wing. Do visit and follow her Instagram on @bakingintheuk for homecooked meals / bake. She also specialises in cuisines from Hong Kong or HK style cooking. Get your food inspiration here!


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